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Hero Forge

Hero Forge Photo Gallery

Select Photo to enlarge Name    
east asian dragon East Asian Male Half-Dragon with customized armor, warclub, body, and flagstone base.    
human male and female gnome Human Male with customized pose, Swashbuckler clothing, cutlass, and wooden floor base.

Female gnome with customized hair, clothing, leather pouch, backpack, crystal ball, and textured base.
group Group of four figures with custom armor, poses, accessories, and textured bases.    
roman warrior Extra Large Roman warrior with customized weapons sword and sickle, cape, armor, and textured base.    
cloaked figure Figure with customized cloak, vile, and textured base.    
archer with tail Archer with customized weapons, armor gauntlets, clothing robe, animal feet, tail, and base.    
armored female warrior Figure with customized cloak, vile, and textured base.